Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How would Jesus lead?

Jesus is a great teacher, and could influence people the way many politicians would like to.  How did he do it?  It certainly wasn't by being mean or uncaring.  Laurie Beth Jones wrote  a book for business leaders called Jesus CEO that lists and discusses Jesus' way of leading.  I think during the Christmas season and in this political atmosphere of defunct leadership, Jesus' way may provide some refreshing guidance.

Jesus did the difficult things  "Opinion polls are a very poor source of vision. Failing to do the difficult thing eventually will get you in trouble."
Jesus owned it "He looked at the world and the people in it as his responsibility, his inheritance and his heritage."
Jesus did not waste time judging others
He requested noble things "He has sent me to bring good news to the poor, to bind up hearts that are broken, to proclaim liberty to comfort all those who morn, and to give them for ashes a garland...for a mourning robe the oil of gladness, for despondency, praise."
Jesus worked through his fears "He boldly announced his identity to the executioners.  He got sick to his stomach and wept until sweat became blood- but he went through it.  Although he felt fear, he faced it."
He had a plan "A good idea is worth a dollar, a good plan is worth a million dollars...What good does it do to stir up a crowd if you do not give them a constructive outlet for their energy?"
He asked the question "Who do you think I am? Who do you think you are? What do you want?  Where is your heart?...Perhaps he asked so many questions because his motto was, 'You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
Jesus broke ranks "Jesus did not follow the crowd, he led it...There are so many dysfunctional groups in our society today that a person must have uncommon courage to break free."
He was bold "Jesus did not mumble or whisper his message.  He did not go through countless committees to get permission to make his statement."
He gave them vision of something larger than themselves "Where there is no vision, the people perish."
He educated  Educating minds and hearts was Jesus' number one priority.
He looked out for the little guy "Jesus took time to see the people in the shadows."
Jesus set an example "Leaders set the example by what they do."
He served them "The principle of service is what separates true leaders from glory seekers."
He loved them "When everything is said and done, only love will last."
He wanted to take everyone to the top "We need each other."

Leaders are so important.  They change the world, for better or worse.  Ultimately, it is the people who decide who to follow, and what standards the culture will be shaped by.

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