Friday, December 10, 2010

Middle East Justice Part 3 cont.

Well, I just don't have time to go and do research for this blog.  My thoughts and conclusions come from previous research I did on Lebanon and the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict.  I do not have those papers readily handy to pick through, nor can I find substantial evidence to support my conclusions online.  Most sources seem to either be too shallow of a pool of info or religiously or politically biased.

Anyway, to get this promised portion over with.  Egypt has been one of the strongest players in the Middle East, and was and is one of Palestine's biggest supporters.  However, in the 1980's their alliance changed significantly toward the West with the promise of aid for infrastructure development.  This is the same story with most Arab nations that have switched back and forth between fighting for Palestinian rights and budging toward Israel, including Syria and Iraq.

So, let me balance the picture out a little bit by saying that it is not just the West's want for control of Middle East oil, or power, but the ME's want for American-like economies/infrastructures and US ally-ship in general for their own political purposes that has been driving this maddening back and forth between support for Palestine and effective indifference.  

Neo-conservative policies outline US's position of destabilizing the Middle East for the interests of US domination (which include having Israel as a home base for Middle East aggression).  But even before that, the existence of the British policy, from the beginning of the 20th century, promising the creation of a Jewish homeland, are driven by religious fervor, and the specter of the Biblical Jewish state has haunted international relations since. 

The US recently partnered with Saudi Arabia for sharing and building scientific research.  This kind of nation building (or just mere allowance of ME states to develop!) could have and can be used with the rest of the Middle East for good relations, international stability, and building up of  valuable ME contributions to the rest of the world. 

Obama has showed signs of changing our blind devotion toward Israel, and moving away from neo-conservative dreams of hegemonic control of the region, but he has also showed signs of buckling under pressures of the Israeli lobby. 

The question remains, who supports justice for Palestine, and how has persistent injustice in the Middle East led to the growth of terrorist threats to the US and the rest of the world?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Middle East Justice Part 3

There have been numerous attempts by nations in the Middle East to come to the aid of the Palestinians and  in almost all cases were deflected by US diplomacy.  Now, almost all Arab countries have had some hand in funding or creating 'terrorist' organizations that covertly work on behalf of the Palestinians and other rankled Arab interests.

Unfortunately, I do not have time today to flesh out this blog...long day...but will continue, continue, continue...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Middle East Justice part 2

So, no, the creation of Israel was not just to the Palestinians.  Arab nations fought against the move, and Israel claimed even more land after the war.  This is really interesting because new international laws after WWII prohibits countries from acquiring territories after a war, but that is just what Israel did.  Actually a lot of the claims Israel has made about territory have not been accepted in the wider international community, but no one seems to take action against Israel, in fact, the world seems mystically beholden to Israel's whims...and I have to conclude that this seems to be based on two factors:

1.  Religious bias.  Christian nations seem to favor Israel no matter what.  Which is really weird because Christianity is based on Jesus being the son of the greatest power, and Jewish people do not believe that Jesus is that son.  They believe they are the chosen people, not Christians.  So, is this bias for Israel some attempt to gain favor with the favored people?  Anyhow, it is very confusing to me. 
2.  The US and its other allies want to have some foothold in the Middle East.  The US has systematically blocked Arab nations from forming an Arab Nation.  Think about it, this is where civilization was said to start, where mathematics was born, the countries have had the financial and political power of oil.  There is financial and intellectual power here, with a rich culture behind it.  There is nothing this area lacks to be a power in the world except for political stability, and the US seems to be set against that happening. 

Keep in mind, my focus here is Palestine.  Palestine, though promised statehood, has no state and has been steadily losing land promised to it in the partition since Israels inception.  Arab nations wanted to fight for Palestine, but US and allied interests prevented that.  That leaves Palestine with one big enemy and no practical allies.  A people without a way to address their grievances.  This ability to address grievances is something American thought holds dear to a just way of life, but we do not afford it to Palestine.  Consequentially,  people without a way to address grievances often resort to violence.

So, what is this Arab Nation? and what did we do to stop it? 

I'll leave today with these general thoughts and provide some historical evidence tomorrow.  Small bites are better for this touchy subject.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Back to Middle East Justice

I wanted to continue with this thread after such a forceful post on Saturday.  I will be focusing on the Middle East and terrorism for a the next many posts. 

I don't share the religious comradery  for Israel nor the hyped paranoia against Arab countries that the rest of the Western political world obviously has.  The dynamics the West has with the Arab world is key to our most recent wars and the threat of terrorism around the globe.  Where to start this conversation, though?  Let's start very simply from the beginning.  The creation of Israel.  I cannot say the creation of Israel and Palestine, because Palestinians do not have a nation state to identify with (and that is part of the problem).

Why was Israel created?
1.  After WWII, it became really unpopular for the dominant powers of the world to have imperial colonies, so they countries systematically set 'free' previously colonized geographic of them being Britain's Palestinian Mandate. 

2.  Antisemitism was rampant, before, during and after the holocaust- and not just in Germany, but around the world.  Many countries refused repatriation of Jewish people and many Jewish people feared to return to previously hostile communities. 

So, the international community just DECIDED to create the state of Israel.  Protests of the Palestinian people were known, but no diplomatic efforts were made to resolve these seeds of terror before they magically created the new homeland for the Jewish people.

There are many states which were created this way, leaders of dominant nations in a board room with a map and ruler just carving out states without thinking about the social aspect of what they were doing.  This strategy is the root of many war torn nations. 

So the question I pose is, "Was the initial action of creating the state of Israel a just action toward the Palestinians?" 

Let's just start there.

Monday, December 6, 2010


On yesterday's Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer interviewed Senators Dick Durban (D) and Jon Kyle (R) about pressing issues being fought over this lame duck session.  Namely, extending the Bush era tax cuts, extending unemployment benefits and the New START treaty.  Mostly, the conversation was around tax cuts. 

In an exasperating exchange Republican Kyle kept saying 'I don't know why people are referring to these tax RATES as tax CUTS!  They are simply an extension of the tax rate that has been in effect for the past decade!'

The sober Democrat just kept referring to them that way, as cuts, while Bob Schieffer caved into Kyle's forcefulness and started calling them rates (he switched back to cuts when the segment with the senators was over). 

What is going on here!!!

Why, Senator Kyle, are they called tax CUTS??  I will tell you:

In 2001, Bush Jr. enacted sweeping tax legislation including a bundle of tax credits and tax CUTS.  The tax cuts removed some $700 billion from revenue streams into the US budget.  This legislation has a SUNSET rule, which means the legislation will expire unless further action is taken by congress. 

Why, one may ask, does this legislation have a sunset rule?  Because of the Congressional Budget Act, which allows legislation to be blocked if the said legislation has a significant negative impact on the deficit in a ten year term.   If the Bush tax CUTS did not have a sunset rule, the legislation most likely would not have passed in the first place, because of the enormous amounts of money it took from the budget.

So, you see, Senator Kyle, tax CUTS don't magically turn into not-cuts just because the said tax CUTS have been in effect for a decade.  

Did someone say DEFICIT?  Isn't that the hallmark of these newly-fiscally-saved Republicans???  Extending the Bush tax CUTS for the wealthiest of Americans is going to add billions PER YEAR to our deficit.

Now as noted in earlier blogs, I favor tax reform, and not taxing the beegesus out of wealthier citizens, but people NOW IS NOT THE TIME to take such reforming measures.  The supply side of our economy is flush with cash, they can create jobs, but there is NO DEMAND.  This is not the time for supply side economics to dominate. 

Meanwhile, they are blocking urgent legislation to extend unemployment benefits and ratify the New START  Treaty.  Republican Senator Kyle so much as said so on Face the Nation, commenting that IF they can get tax CUTS for the wealthy, they will consider extending the unemployment benefits (unemployment benefits=demand and providing for the public good.  Unemployed would otherwise seek assistance through other government programs). 

The New START treaty?  Not important, says Kyle. 

So much for national security and fiscal responsibility for our born again Republicans.  Looks like they are just looking out for their rich buddies.  What frauds.  Mean, lying Republicans.  Are these really the people we want in control of our government?  No. 

But what about the Democrats?  Why are they SOOO wimpy!  Where are real leaders?? 

Rise, leaders, from wherever you may be and help our struggling nation.