Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Middle East Justice part 2

So, no, the creation of Israel was not just to the Palestinians.  Arab nations fought against the move, and Israel claimed even more land after the war.  This is really interesting because new international laws after WWII prohibits countries from acquiring territories after a war, but that is just what Israel did.  Actually a lot of the claims Israel has made about territory have not been accepted in the wider international community, but no one seems to take action against Israel, in fact, the world seems mystically beholden to Israel's whims...and I have to conclude that this seems to be based on two factors:

1.  Religious bias.  Christian nations seem to favor Israel no matter what.  Which is really weird because Christianity is based on Jesus being the son of the greatest power, and Jewish people do not believe that Jesus is that son.  They believe they are the chosen people, not Christians.  So, is this bias for Israel some attempt to gain favor with the favored people?  Anyhow, it is very confusing to me. 
2.  The US and its other allies want to have some foothold in the Middle East.  The US has systematically blocked Arab nations from forming an Arab Nation.  Think about it, this is where civilization was said to start, where mathematics was born, the countries have had the financial and political power of oil.  There is financial and intellectual power here, with a rich culture behind it.  There is nothing this area lacks to be a power in the world except for political stability, and the US seems to be set against that happening. 

Keep in mind, my focus here is Palestine.  Palestine, though promised statehood, has no state and has been steadily losing land promised to it in the partition since Israels inception.  Arab nations wanted to fight for Palestine, but US and allied interests prevented that.  That leaves Palestine with one big enemy and no practical allies.  A people without a way to address their grievances.  This ability to address grievances is something American thought holds dear to a just way of life, but we do not afford it to Palestine.  Consequentially,  people without a way to address grievances often resort to violence.

So, what is this Arab Nation? and what did we do to stop it? 

I'll leave today with these general thoughts and provide some historical evidence tomorrow.  Small bites are better for this touchy subject.

1 comment:

  1. To be clear, the Arab Nation was an emerging pact between Arab States to form a political alliance, which would have given Arab nations more leverage against Western influences. It dissolved for many reasons, not solely from US interests, but partly. Namely we wooed Egypt away from the idea of an Arab Nation in return for US financial and material support. I am not an expert on this, but understand the the Middle East needs more self-determination to encourage positive growth.
